HIMARK Electric Retract 60-120 Size Nose Retract With Wire Strut Leg - AM-06 (90 Degree Version)
(Mains and Nose retracts sold separately)
The nose gear unit is steerable and has a slot in the sliding steering arm to prevent binding of the steering cable when retracted and is supplied with an adjustable axle, wheel collars and Allen wrenches.
Specifications (Subject to change or improvement without notice.)
- 90 Degree Retract Actuation Version
- Current draw at Idle 5mA
- Operating 900mA (maximum)
- Pulse width trigger points: Down 1.331ms, Up 1.690ms
- Operation with FM and DSM
- FM 22ms frame rate, 5V signal
- DSM 20ms frame rate, 3.3V signal
- Sequence time: @ 4.8V 1.25sec, @ 6.0V 1.0sec, @ 7.4V 0.8sec
- Operating voltage range: 4.8 – 7.4V
- Aircraft weight: 7.5- 15 lbs
- Unit weight: Nose gear 4.6 ounces
Helpful hints to ensure your gear last longer.
- Avoid actuating while model is sitting on its landing gear as this will cause the gear to strip.
- Make sure nothing is causing binding in path of landing gear, failure to do so may cause permanent damage to gear.
- Allow gear to fully cycle up or down before hitting switch. Quickly changing direction up/down/up/down in rapid succession without allowing gear to finish cycling fully up or down may cause damage to gear.
- Add removable thread locker to all set screws that hold axle/strut together.
- Best practice is to file flat spot where screws hold axles onto struts.